Pupil Premium
We receive a sum of money for each pupil who is:
- In receipt of Free School Meals [FSM]
- Looked After by the Local Authority [CLA]
- The son or daughter of service personnel
Pupil Premium has been extended to include pupils who have previously been registered for FSM at any point in the last six years.
Nationally statistics show that these groups of pupils achieve less highly than their peers. The government allocates this funding in order to ‘narrow this gap’ in attainment.
Avalon’s data shows that there is no attainment gap between the attainment of these pupils and their peers.
How have we spent this money?
Financial year to April 2014
- Purchasing some additional resources for example: to support communication and resources for literacy to take home
- To support access to social activities for example: after school club and residential opportunities
- Therapeutic interventions for example: music therapy and speech and language sessions with the therapist
- Drumming lessons
- Individual and paired sessions with the intervention teacher focussed on individual pupils’ priority areas of language and literacy and maths
- Progress in all targeted areas by each individual pupil. Detailed analysis has been presented to the governing body.
- Overall pupil premium pupils at the end of key stage are evidencing progress which is at least in line with their peers and typically this is outstanding progress
Financial year to April 2015 Allocation: £14,075
- Drumming lessons
- Individual and paired sessions with the intervention teacher focussed on individual pupils’ priority areas of language and literacy and maths
The intervention teacher reports termly to governors on pupils’ progress.