Avalon School

Releasing potential... Learning for life

Parents' Information

Parents' Information

“Avalon is a good and improving school where all pupils, irrespective of their individual learning difficulties, are able to make good progress and maximise their potential."

Ofsted Report September 2011 > Read Ofsted report

Pupil Premium

All pupils at Avalon School have a statement of special educational needs. This is needed in order for a pupil to join the school.

SEN statutory panel

Following annual review of your child’s statement of SEN you can either request that your child’s information be sent to Avalon School or else the Local Authority, having received the information at its SEN statutory panel, may send your child’s information to the school.

We then consider whether we would be able to meet your child’s needs and we inform the Local Authority of this. Should we offer a place for your child, your views as parents/carers are also taken into account.

The Local Authority confirms the offer of a place to the school nearest to where you live which is able to meet your child’s needs.